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Arduino Commands Syntax

  ARDUINO COMMANDS Basic Arduino IDE Commands 1.  pinMode(x, OUTPUT); Configure or assign the pin number x as an output pin. Where x is the digital pin number on the arduino device which you intend to use as an output. 2.  pinMode(x, INPUT);   Configure or assign the pin number x as an input pin. Where x is the digital pin number on the arduino device which you intend to use as an input. 3.  digitalWrite(x, HIGH); Turn the digital pin number x ON or as HIGH. Where x is the digital pin number on the arduino device which you intend to turn ON. Note that turning it HIGH gives out a voltage of 5V at that digital pin. So this can be used to turn on or drive some devices connected at the pin e.g LED, activating relays for driving circuit, etc. 4.  digitalWrite(x, LOW); Turn the digital pin number x OFF or as LOW. Where x is the digital pin number on the arduino device which you intend to turn OFF. Note that turning it LOW gives out a voltage of 0V at that digital...

Embedded Capacitors and Resistors in PCB

Integration of Embedded Capacitors and Resistors in Multi-Layer Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Olome Baudouin Ekute  EEF714: PCB DESIGN AND FABRICATION Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Buea   I.                    I. Introduction The rapid development and high demands for more efficient, miniature electronic devices as well as increases reliability, have led researchers to develop new technologies in manufacturing printed circuit boards. In 1956 the first PCB was patent in the US which began with a single side on the PCB, then later the double sided PCB was developed forming connections between the components using the surface mount technology and the hole technology   [1] . Due to high functional demand, the multi-layer printed circuit board was developed with smaller component sizes. In order to achieve this, passive components like capacitors and resistors whi...

Programming temperature sensor with microcontroller

Interfacing LM35 temperature sensor with PIC microcontroller An LM35 temperature sensor senses the temperature and produces Analog signals which is fed to a microcontroller which interprets the result. The microcontroller used here contains an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) which receives the signals from the LM35 and produces a corresponding digital signal and the value of the temperature displayed on an LCD. Application: Room temperature control Egg incubator Dryers e.g. cocoa dryers, Green agriculture, etc. Materials: An LM35 A PIC 16F877A Two relays 2 transistors BC549 2 protective diodes (fly-back diodes) A Fan A heater A 16x2 LCD Supply DC 5/12V, AC 230V Circuit diagram of LM35 temperature sensor interface with microcontroller The circuitry is shown below Operation Lets control the temperature such that if the temperature is less than 25 degree Celsius, the heater is put ON and the fan OFF. If the temperature is about 25 degree Celsius, the...