Syllabus Electrical Technology ( for Electrotechnics, Electronics and Air-conditioning), Mechanical ( Automobile, sheet metal ), civil engineering (plumbing, wood works, building and public works), tailoring General education is also available down In Cameroon, a syllabus is a guideline defining the structure and the content of a course. Have you be searching for this? Your problem is solved Download is available at the bottom page The scheme of work is a guide used to monitor the progress of a course based on an original plan. Hence it can be viewed as interpretation of a syllabus. Teachers use it as a harmonised guide in a particular territory like in Cameroon, in order to attain the same general and specific objectives all over the educational institutions. Speciality include: Electrotechnics Electronics Air-conditioning Title of module (Subjects): Electricity/Electronics. Its is commonly called in Cameroon ELEC-ELO Technology and Electrical...